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The chaos theory of Mongolia

I returned to Mongolia 15 years ago after an absence of 13 years, save for the occasional 2-week leave from work, and that time I spent a semester and a half at a local university drinking endless cups of brown, watery 150 Tugrik instant MaCcoffee at the café strangely, or perhaps egotistically, named "In my memory", writing the first and so far the only book that got us into trouble with the local intelligence who apparently had little else to do than to pore through the ramblings of teenagers to catch the tell-tale signs of drug dealery. But I digress. When you visit a country for a short period, be it home or not, you hardly have time to immerse yourself in the spirit of the country and the city and feel the nitty gritty and dirty shiny of it all. So after 13 years, it took me a while to readjust and finally understand what the hometown of my childhood had become.  The most striking, ubiquitous, and inescapable feature was and still, unfortunately, is the traffic. In 2008,

Su.Batbold nominated by MPRP for the PM's seat

 Su.Batbold, the PM nominee. Photo from

MPRP's party conference on Wednesday evening unanimously voted for Su.Batbold, the Minister for Foreign Relations and Trade, to take S.Bayar's place as the Premier. Su.Batbold's name has been presented to the President for his seal of approval today.

While S.Bayar will step down as the PM, he has expressed his intention to retain his party chairman position. If the MPRP governing board approves of his decision, perhaps it will be one way for S.Bayar to ensure that everything he has worked hard to accomplish isn't undone by his successor. At the same, this move is greeted with some hesitation by members of the press, as it may lead to power struggles and internal party politicking.

The Foreign Minister Su.Batbold is a diplomat and the former CEO of Altai Trading Co.Ltd, a conglomerate that owns Altai Cashmere and Chinggis Khaan hotel. He started his political career in 2000 as the deputy minister of Foreign Relations and has been in Parliament since 2004.

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